Senin, 29 Februari 2016

Ra'pai Geleng Dance Workshop

From the 22nd-26th February 2016, CIOFF® Indonesia with the help from Galeri Indonesia Kaya organized a workshop called: “Creative Space : Rapa’i Geleng Dance Workshop (Ruang Kreatif : Workshop Tari Rapa’I Geleng),” at Galeri Indonesia Kaya, Grand Indonesia. Rapa’I Geleng is a men intended ethnic dance from Aceh. The dance usually perfromed by 12 trained men, sitting  in a crossed-legged position and accompanied by a rythmic beat of percussion called “Rapa’I”, a traditional music instrument from Aceh.

Rapa’i Geleng Dance Workshop was attended by 14 participants  which divided into two sessions, 8 participant in the first session, and 6 in the second sesssion. Each session last for two hours, from 4-6 pm and 7-9 pm respectivly.  At the end of the workshop, all participants are joined together to perform at the opening event in Galeri Indonesia Kaya.

For those who have never danced Rapa’i Geleng, don’t worry. All participants were not only taught about the history of CIOFF® and Rapa’i Geleng Dance, but they were also trained by CIOFF® Indonesia’s coachs to perform the dance. They were trained on basic movement first before going to the core of the dance, such as how to beat the rapa’i in order to produce the beautiful sound, how to throw a rapa’i, how to move the head, the direction, degrees, and the songs that they will sing while dancing.

    At first, most of the participants found a difficulty in performing the dance, because most of them don’t have basic knowledge in dancing. There are even a participant who never dance before participate in this workshop.  While giving some motivation to the participants, CIOFF® Indonesia’s President, Said Rachmat said that, “…a great performance is the one that can amaze the audience and made them can’t take their eyes off of the performers”. Since that time, the participants regain their spirit and continue to practice in order to dance beautifly. All the pains and hunger they resisted, resulted in a spectacular performance that amazed the audiences. All thanks to the support, patience and skills of  CIOFF® Indonesia coaches. The workshops only last for 5 days, yet it result in a great performance. This proves that the CIOFF® Indonesia never half measures in preparing and creating activities.

This activity was covered by the and Berita Satu News Channel in Jurnal Ekstra program. Berita Satu News Channel and Metro Tv interview Nur Kusuma Ngarasati and Yunita HG. In addition to Berita Satu News Channel and Metro TV, Galleri Indonesia Kaya also covered this workshop. They interviewed the president of CIOFF® Indonesia, Said Rachmat and record the Rapa’i Geleng practice.

Check out this video below to watch the Rapa'i Geleng dance performance! (Credits to Galeri Indonesia Kaya Youtube Channel)

Written by Alvita Rassya
Edited and published by Galih Sadhira & Ghina Aulia Megaputri

Selasa, 23 Februari 2016

Encouraging Youth Generation to Preserve Culture, Jakarta: The youth generation is the generation that will continue to bear the name of the nation and bring Indonesia to a better future.

A group of people under the auspices of an international Non-Governmental Organization called CIOFF (International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts) is trying to introduce Indonesian traditional cultures and also encouraging young people to preserve them.

“So the main goal is that we would like youth generation to be able to preserve Indonesian traditional culture. We also hope that in the future, the participants could also spread their knowledge of culture gained from here to their friends so it can spread even more,” said Nur Kusuma Ngarasati, dance coach and CIOFF Indonesia representative, when interviewed at Galeri Indonesia Kaya, Jakarta, Tuesday (23/02/2016).

In every performance or workshop done by CIOFF, they felt the appreciations and responses given by the youth are well and keep on getting better every year.

CIOFF is an international Non-Governmental Organization, which existed in 121 countries and is the partner of UNESCO. With the international status that CIOFF has, there are higher targets which CIOFF members aim.

“We, CIOFF Indonesia always send groups of people every year abroad for cultural missions. There are about 5-15 groups that attended cultural festival abroad with CIOFF from other countries,” said Yunita HG, dance coach and CIOFF Indonesia representative.

To be able to preserve and introduce Indonesian traditional culture, especially traditional dances, CIOFF Indonesia cooperates with Galeri Indonesia Kaya to make a traditional dance show every weekend.

Nur Kusuma Ngarasati explained, “This traditional dance workshop has recently been made as a routine program together with Galeri Indonesia Kaya. So, every Saturday in the end of every month we will perform a traditional dance. The rehearsals will be held as a workshop from Monday to Friday prior to the performance on Saturday.”

Currently, CIOFF is having a workshop on a traditional dance originated from Aceh called, Rapai Geleng Dance. The youth participants taught by dance coach from CIOFF will perform on Saturday, 27th February at Galeri Indonesia Kaya.

“The participants just need to register themselves and there are no fee applied for the workshop, so if anyone interested they could register in Galeri Indonesia Kaya’s website, and we will teach them all the knowledge needed starting from the dance materials to the make-up, and they were all free of charge. There are also no age limitations for anybody who wants to participate,” said Nur Kusuma Ngarasati

Putu Radar Bahurekso – 23rd February 2016 23:45 WIB (ELG)