Labschool Kebayoran Highschool team were become the representative from Indonesia in ‘’Kashubian Meeting with the Folklore of the World’’ festival in Brusy (Poland) that held on July 25th – July 31st 2016. The group was consist of 10 dancers and 10 musicians with Mr. Hadi as group Director, Mrs. Gezia as Group Manager, Mrs. Nadia Vijanti as CIOFF Representative, And Miss Nur Aini as the Choreographer. The festival was participated by 7 countries, such as Rumania, Belarus, Belgia, Lithuania, Greece, Montenegro, and Indonesia itself was the only group that participated from Asia.
They were performing almost everyday. And not-so-surprisingly, Indonesian group was the most awaited group by the audience. Almost everytime after Indonesian group finish some performance, they would shout “we want more, we want, more!” and of course the team would play some part to make the audience happy.
In this festival, Indonesian group was performing 2 contemporary music and 7 dances (Saman dance, Piring dance, Tor-Tor dance, Topeng dance, Greget Jawara dance, Yapong dance, and Tifa dance). The highlight about their performance was the part when they all performed the dance of the thousand hands : Saman dance from Aceh. It was very interesting to watch because not only it performed by the dancer but also the musician were also taking place as a dancers. Even the mayor of Brusy came to almost all of Indonesian performance because he was amazed with Saman dance.

At the closing ceremony, the Music Director of the festival ask Indonesian team to made some contemporary music to lead the final dance. Therefore, the music will lead the flag dance and the fire dance, and of course it was a big honor for Indonesian team. The Music Director said that he were in love with Indonesian music. And Voila! No word can explained how amazing the closing dance was. The mix between our traditional music and polish dance were really harmonious and spectacular. And again, the non-stop standing ovations from the audience was something that unforgettable for us, Indonesian team.
Written by : RR Nuraini Prastuti
Translate & published by : Ghina Aulia