Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

47th CIOFF® World Congress will officially be held in Indonesia

 Mr. Said Rachmat spoke in the 46th CIOFF® World Congress in Fiuggi, Italy. 
An honor for Indonesia, CIOFF® Indonesia will officially held the 47th CIOFF World Congress
 in Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara- East Borneo!

Seni Budaya Nusantara Participated in World Folkloriada 2016

Seni Budaya Nusantara is a team consisted of CIOFF® Indonesia members. The preparation of the team started on September 2015 until July 2016. They brought about more than 8 performances to be presented in the festival. Some of them are Baris Wira Rebana dance from Bali, Greget Jawara dance from DKI Jakarta, Enggang and Balian medley dance from Borneo, Saman dance from Aceh, Topeng dance, Bubuka dance, and Bajidor Kahot dance from West Java, and so on.

In total, there were 16 members of the team participated in World Folkloriada 2016 which was held in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico from 30th of July until 7th of August 2016. The team then continued to participate in another festival in the state of Queretaro, Mexico from 8th of August until 12th of August. The team departed from Jakarta on 27th of July and arrived in Zacatecas on 28th of July through 50 hours of travelling by plane.

On the 29th of July, the committee of the festival invited the participants to a welcoming party called Callejoneada that involves parading the streets of Zacatecas with traditional Mexican music and dances. The following day, the opening ceremony was held at Estadio Fransisco Villa in Zacatecas.

The activities of the festival started with a parade in the street of Zacatecas and the day ended with performances in the stage at the plaza of Gobierno del Estado de Zacatecas. Out of 20 municipalities, Seni Budaya Nusantara team got the chance to perform at 4 municipalities of Zacatecas, which are Nieves, Villa de Cos, Villanueva, and Guadalupe. The team also had the opportunity to perform at Teatro Calderon and Plazuela Miguel Auza in Zacatecas.

On 8th of August, Seni Budaya Nusantara team departed to the state of Queretaro by bus together with teams from Kyrgyzstan, Luxembourg, and El Salvador to attend 4° Encuentro Internacional de Folclor de la Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro festival. The opening ceremony of the festival was held at Templo de Santa Rosa de Viterbo with a cocktail party theme.

The activities in 4° Encuentro Internacional de Folclor de la Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro festival includes performances at several campus locations of Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, municipalities of Queretaro such as Corregidora, El Marques, and Amealco, and also workshop, and a parade. The final performance was done in Plaza de Armas in the downtown of Queretaro.

After Queretaro, Seni Budaya Nusantara team was invited to perform at “Pesta Rakyat Indonesia” event, held by the Indonesian Embassy and Indonesian community in Mexico City. The event was filled with performances from Indonesian community, karaoke competition, and doorprizes. The team presented Baris Wira Rebana dance, Greget Jawara dance, Ginjring and Balian medley dance, Topeng Tua dance, Bubuka dance, and Saman dance.

The team was supposed to participate in the closing parade of World Folkloriada in Mexico City at 14th of August, but unfortunately, due to some issues, the committee decided to cancel the closing parade. Hearing the news, the embassy took the team to visit Teotihuacan, the archeological site in the northeast of Mexico City, and also souvenir shopping at La Ciudadela in Mexico City.

The team got back in time for a dinner party held by the Ambassador and family, together with the committee of “Pesta Rakyat Indonesia” event as thanksgiving and also farewell to the team before heading to Washington DC the following day.

Written by : Gayatri Larasati
Editted and published by : Ghina Aulia Megaputri

Senin, 17 Oktober 2016

Erau Recognized as Top Cultural Festival In The Country

Diapresiasi Menteri, Sukses Lewati Tantangan Bertubi-tubi

PROKAL.CO, Festival Erau bisa dibilang sukses dikenal hingga berbagai belahan dunia. Lewat konsistensi dan semangat Bupati Kukar Rita Widyasari, acara tradisi leluhur itu kini dinobatkan menjadi festival budaya terpopuler, juga warisan budaya Indonesia.

WISATAWAN yang bertandang dalam perhelatan Festival Erau 2016, mungkin sulit melupakan suara lantang menggebu-gebu Rita Widyasari, ketika membuka Festival Erau di Stadion Rondong Demang beberapa waktu lalu.

Ia menyampaikan optimistisnya, jika Festival Erau yang telah dikenal dunia ini, juga bakal memberikan dampak positif bagi pariwisata di Kukar bahkan Kaltim. Inovasinya menyelaraskan Festival Erau dan Erau International Folk Art Festival (EIFAF), semakin membuat para wisatawan dalam hingga luar negeri tertarik menginjakkan kakinya ke Kutai.

Perempuan yang biasa disapa Bunda oleh warganya itu juga sempat menceritakan sejarah Pesta Adat Erau. Selain menyimpan arti sakral, kegiatan tersebut menurutnya juga sebagai media pendidikan generasi penerus.

Pasalnya kata dia, dengan melestarikan budaya, diharapkan juga bisa ikut membentuk generasi berkarakter. Di tengah kesibukannya menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan, Rita juga menyempatkan diri berbaur bersama warga menjalankan satu per satu konten acara Erau.

Salah satunya makan bersama rakyat sambil “mengaspal” lalu menari dan larut dalam sukacita. Seolah tak ada batasan, Rita pun menunjukkan jika Festival Erau benar-benar acara rakyat dan untuk rakyat.

Setelah makin mendunia, Festival Erau pun resmi ditetapkan Direktorat Warisan dan Diplomasi Budaya Dirjen Kebudayaan, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) RI sebagai warisan budaya Indonesia. Erau dinobatkan sebagai warisan budaya Indonesia melalui Sidang Penetapan Warisan Budaya Tak Benda (WBTB) Indonesia 2016, pada Kamis (15/9) lalu, di Jakarta.

Hanya selang sehari setelahnya, Erau kembali dinobatkan sebagai Festival Budaya Terpopuler (Most Populer Cultural Festival) di Indonesia. Erau bahkan mengalahkan Jember Fashion Carnival (JFC) yang juga marak dikunjungi turis mancanegara. Begitu juga dengan Festival Jailolo. Erau memperoleh nilai 26,4 persen tertinggi dibanding Jember Fashion Carnival 26,1 persen dan Festival Teluk Jailolo 13,6 persen.

Penghargaan tersebut diserahkan dalam penyelenggaraan anugerah Pesona Indonesia 2016 yang digagas pihak swasta bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia.

Pemilihan destinasi atau objek wisata terpopuler berlangsung sejak 23 Mei 2016 sampai 23 Agustus 2016 melalui sebuah website. Menteri Pariwisata Arief Yahya yang menyerahkan penghargaan itu, langsung mengucapkan selamat kepada Bupati Kukar Rita Widyasari.

Rita menyampaikan rasa bangganya. Ia juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada apresiasi menteri yang dipastikan bakal ikut membesarkan pariwisata di Kukar. Penghargaan bergengsi ini bakal menjadi motivasi serta inovasi pengembangan pariwisata di Kukar. “Penghargaan ini akan kami pertahankan dengan melakukan kolaborasi agar digemari dan dinikmati masyarakat,” ujar Rita.

Ia mengakui keberhasilan Erau melekatnya Erau sebagai Festival Terpopuler itu tak lepas dari tingginya antusiasme masyarakat yang terlibat. Begitu juga dengan kunjungan wisatawan yang terus meningkat dalam acara tradisi leluhur tersebut.

Rita berharap, tak hanya Erau yang mendapat penghargaan, tetapi juga seperti kuliner khas Kutai dan lainnya. “Bersama pemerintah daerah lain berlomba-lomba menemukan surga wisata yang tersembunyi,” ujarnya.

Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Disbudpar) Kukar Sri Wahyuni mengatakan, baik dirinya maupun bupati semula tak menyangka jika Festival Erau mampu menduduki peringkat teratas dalam kategori terpopuler tersebut.

Apalagi, lanjut dia, sejumlah festival budaya yang menjadi pesaing juga cukup dikenal baik di Nusantara maupun dunia. Salah satunya JFC yang menjadi ikon Kabupaten Jember. “Hingga dibacakan pengumumannya, kami sama sekali tidak percaya jika meraih penghargaan tersebut. Selisihnya dengan JFC hanya 0,3 persen saja. Sangat tipis sekali," ujar Sri.

Yang lebih membanggakan, berbagai tantangan mampu dilalui di setiap penyelenggaraan Erau. Seperti dua tahun terakhir, saat Jembatan Kartanegara belum rampung. Ditambah akses jalan poros Tenggarong-Loa Janan masih rusak, kunjungan wisatawan yang datang ke Festival Erau bisa mencapai 50 ribu orang.

Sedangkan tahun 2016 ini, keuangan APBD Kukar sedang dilanda badai defisit anggaran, namun penyelenggaraan Erau tetap meriah dan berjalan lancar.

Bupati Kukar bahkan memastikan meski tiap tahun anggaran untuk perhelatan Erau pelan-pelan dikurangi, namun angka kunjungan wisatawan justru mengalami peningkatan. “Yah, maksud ibu bupati juga menegaskan bahwa, dalam kondisi keuangan yang tidak bisa terhindarkan ini, kunjungan wisatawan ke Kukar justru meningkat. Makanya inovasi juga terus digalakkan agar pengunjung juga tidak bosan dalam perhelatan Erau. Tiap tahun selalu saja ada tantangan. Tapi, itulah yang menjadi salah satu motivasi kami,” paparnya.

Saat ini, penyelenggaraan EIFAF sangat memberi dampak positif terhadap ekonomi Kukar. Bahkan, hotel dan penginapan di Tenggarong sebagai pusat perayaan festival sudah tak muat menampung tamu dari luar.

Dengan kearifan lokal yang dimiliki Kukar, merupakan modal utama dalam mengembangkan ekonomi kreatif. Dengan latar belakang kerajaan tertua, berbagai potensi budaya dapat dikelola dan dikembangkan menjadi komoditas guna meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah. Bahkan Erau juga dikenalkan melalui film layar lebar yang berjudul Erau Kota Raja.

Dalam pembukaan EIFAF 2016 dilakukan oleh Direktur Kesenian Kementerian dan Kebudayaan, Kemendikbud RI Endang Caturwati. Acara pembukaan EIFAF 2016 berlangsung meriah dengan diawali parade grup kesenian dari lokal dan mancanegara.

Sepuluh grup kesenian mancanegara tampak antusias menyuguhkan kesenian khas negara asal masing-masing. Ribuan penonton yang hadir pun tak bisa menyembunyikan kekagumannya hingga berkali-kali bertepuk tangan dan bersorak.

Delegasi luar negeri yang ikut mengirimkan delegasi keseniannya, yakni Taiwan, USA, Lithuania, Kanada, Polandia, Rumania, Estonia, Bulgaria, dan Rusia. Sedangkan delegasi kesenian Indonesia membawakan sejumlah tarian khas Kutai dan Dayak.

Gubernur Kaltim Awang Faroek Ishak juga pernah menyebutkan jika acara EIFAF berkontribusi menyumbang target 10 juta wisatawan ke Kaltim. Kukar menurutnya kini sangat diperhitungkan. Gubernur pun mengapresiasi upaya Bupati Kukar yang berinovasi dalam mengenalkan budaya Kutai ke mancanegara.

Untuk tahun ini, tercatat sebanyak 1.479 delegasi kesenian lokal yang hadir. Sedangkan delegasi mancanegara berjumlah 218 orang. Dalam acara pembukaan EIFAF tersebut juga turut dimeriahkan tarian tradisional yang melibatkan 150 penari. Pengiring musik langsung dibawakan Gerbang Raja Mini Orkestra yang memainkan traditional live music.

Tercatat, kunjungan wisatawan yang datang ke Kukar mengalami peningkatan sejak digelarnya EIFAF. Sebelum tahun 2013, pengunjung hanya berkisar 762.801 wisatawan per tahun. Pada 2014, naik menjadi 1.253.089. Sedangkan tahun 2015 kembali melonjak menjadi 1.450.748 orang. (pms/qi/rom/k15)

Original Article : http://kaltim.prokal.co/read/news/278499-diapresiasi-menteri-sukses-lewati-tantangan-bertubi-tubi

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

'Absence That Made Us Proud' - Puti Anindya featured on HAI! Magazine

Foto by : IG @putianindya
Apa yang dimaksud dengan absen yang membanggakan? Apakah masuk setiap hari tanpa absen sakit atau izin, atau hadir di sekolah dengan cara yang berbeda?

Apa yang lo rasa ketika lo balik ke sekolah setelah satu bulan izin? Pasti bingung, banyak ketinggalan pelajaran, dan ditunggu dengan tugas yang banyaknya bukan main. Tapi, gimana kalau lo balik ke sekolah setelah satu bulan menampilkan budaya Indonesia di luar negeri yang pastinya, dilihat berbagai macam negara?

Itulah yang dirasakan Puti Anindya, siswi kelas 12 SMAN 37 Jakarta yang baru aja balik ke Indonesia setelah satu bulan pergi ke Meksiko. Cewek yang akrab disapa Anin ini mengaku rasanya campur aduk lantaran dia udah cukup lama nggak sekolah. Eits, bukan karena bolos dong tentunya. Alasan Anin nggak sekolah karena dia pergi ke negara lain untuk memperkenalkan budaya Indonesia ke mata dunia.

“Antara sedih, bete, dan bangga. Sedih karena harus ninggalin temen dan keluarga disini, bete karena balik-balik langsung disapa tugas, dan pastinya bangga banget bisa ikut berpartisipasi ngenalin budaya Indonesia ke negara lain,” aku cewek berusia 17 tahun itu.

Anin merupakan salah satu penari Indonesia yang turut berpartisipasi dalam acara CIOFF World Folkloriada, acara pertemuan seluruh CIOFF di dunia dalam rangka festival terbesarnya di Meksiko. Ternyata, nggak hanya Indonesia yang hadir di acara ini. Rumania, Turki, dan Portugal adalah tiga negara dari 46 negara yang hadir. Wah, pasti asyik banget ya guys bisa ketemu dan nonton langsung budaya dari berbagai belahan dunia.

Indonesia tentunya nggak mau kalah eksis. Para penari dari CIOFF Indonesia menampilkan beberapa tarian diantaranya tari Topeng, tari Ginjiring, tari Saman, dan tari Bajidor.

“Grup dari Indonesia dibagi jadi dua tim. Aku kebagian untuk nari tari Bajidor, tari Greget Jawara, tari Topeng, tari Ginjring, dan tari Saman,” terang Anin. “Sedangkan tim satu lagi kebagian untuk nari Bubuka, Enggang, Balian Bawo dan tari Wirarebana.”

Gimana sih perasaan Anin yang udah berhasil untuk nunjukin budaya Indonesia ke kancah internasional?

“Rasanya udah pasti bangga banget, budaya kita diapresiasi sama negara lain di festival yang bisa dibilang besar ditambah negara yang ikut serta nggak kalah luar biasa. Dengan bisa belajar budaya negara lain dan mereka juga bisa kenal serta belajar tentang budaya kita itu suatu kesenangan yang nggak bisa gue ungkapin.” Tutur Anin.

Kita sebagai remaja Indonesia udah wajib hukumnya untuk bangga dengan budaya kita. Indonesia memang negeri yang kaya akan keanekaragaman yang harus kita lestarikan, jangan sampai budaya kita hilang atau malah diambil orang lain.

Salut deh sama Anin! (T-HSC#6)

Laporan: Latifah Hanum Khairunnisa (SMA Negeri 37 Jakarta)

Artikel ini ditulis sebagai bagian dari program 7 Hari Bercerita yang diikuti oleh HAI School Crew, komunitas wartawan pelajar HAI.

Jumat, 30 September 2016

Ruang Kreatif Galeri Indonesia Kaya - Sajojo Dance Workshop

Sajojo is a welcome dance and often played in various occasions such as reception of important guest, reception of foreign tourists, and at traditional ceremonies. This dance can be danced by anyone. The dance movements prioritize the movement of the hands and feet. On 19-23 September 2016, CIOFF Indonesia in collaboration with Galeri Indonesia Kaya held the Creative Space: Sajojo Dance Workshop.
Sajojo Dance Workshop was attended by 14 participants divided into two sessions. Each session lasts for two hours, the first session runs from 4:00 to 6:00 pm and the second session runs from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. At the end of the workshop, all participants were joined together to perform at the opening of the event organized by Galeri Indonesia Kaya.

At the beginnning of workshop, there are 17 peopeles who attend this program, but over time, participants were reduced to total of 14 people. There were some participants who attend this workshop learn and practice the dance but couldn’t join the stage perfromance.

At the beginning of the training, participants were taught basic movement, so they could be famliar with the shapes and movements of the dance. Then, the participants were taught the dance movements, ranging from the less complicated to complex movement. Participants not only learn the movement, but also the details of each movement, blocking and configuration. At first, the participants experienced difficulties and a bit of stress because they have to memorize a lot of material and did it properly in a short time. However, because Sajojo dance has a carefree nuance in its movement, it made the participants felt cheerful and motivated. The workshop athmosphere were fun despite the amount of material to be learned in Sajojo dance. The participants practiced with passion and enjoy every process. On the last day of the practice, the participants trained a little harder than the previous days because on the last day, they have to run through the dance repeatedly in order to perform the dance perfectly.

Saturday morning, 10am, the participants had gathered at Galeri Indonesia Kaya and begin their preparations. The participants started apply their faces with makeup such as lipstick, eyeshadow and blush and don’t forget the final touch, the Papua facepaint. The participants were nervous. Before their performance, they tried to calm down and gather strength and self-confidence. At 2 pm, the audience began to arrive and the show was ready to begin. The Sajojo dance will be the opening of a mini concert of an indie band, Banda Naira. The performance was running smoothly. Perseverance, hard work, passion and discipline of the participants came to fruition. They display the Sajojo dance nicely and energetic.
This activity is covered by Galeri Indonesia Kaya. Galeri Indonesia Kaya staffs cover the rehearsal, tutorials movement and the short interview about Sajojo with choreographers, named Saul. The workshop was also covered by Berta Satu. Berita Satu was covering the situation during the workshop and also conductied interviews.

Written by : Alvita Rassya
Edited and published by : Galih Sadhira & Ghina Aulia Megaputri

Selasa, 20 September 2016

Polewali Mandar International Folk and Art Festival (PIFAF)

Polewali Mandar International Folk and Art Festival (PIFAF) is an annual event known as a cultural festival. The festival is an annual event of  the Government of Polewali Mandar through the Department of Culture and Tourism. But there was something different this year, because the Department of Culture and Tourism was in cooperation with CIOFF Indonesia under the auspices of UNESCO to held the biggest culture festival, inviting 5 internasional delegates from Russia, Malaysia, Romania, India, and South Korea. Around 128 participants from 5 countries performed their traditional music and dances.
PIFAF took place for five days, started at 29th of August until 5th of September 2016, held in several venues such as Arena Sport Center, Pantai Bahari Polewali, Mampie Beach, Wonomulyo district, and Silk Village. The festival has the theme of “Knowing global culture and preserving local culture”, also held Sandeq Festival, Cultural Festival, and Polewali Mandar Expo 2016. Polewali Mandar District is the first district in West Sulawesi to ever held a cultural and tourism promotional event in international scale. There was no doubt that the West Sulawesi people would be very interested and enthusiastic about the festival.

Prior to the biggest event of Polewali Mandar International Folk and Art Festival (PIFAF), various preparations had been done by the committee from the Department of Culture and Tourism of Polewali Mandar District. One of them is by organizing a dance audition to choose the participants that would perform at the festival. The festival involved a lot of artists from various community and regions in Sulawesi.

    The opening of the festival started with art parade around the HS Mengga Stadion wearing traditional costumes. Besides international delegates, the parade also attended by participants from 16 sub-districts of Polewali Mandar which performed their culture from each district. The opening ceremony attended by Governor of West Sulawesi, Anwar Adnan Saleh with his Vice Governor, Aladin S. Mengga, member of House of District Representatives (DPRD) of West Sulawesi, Samsul Samad, Deputy Police Chief of West Sulawesi, Kombes Pol Drs. Tajuddin MH, Regent of Polewali Mandar, Andi Ibrahim Masdar with his Vice Regent, HM. Natsir Rahmat. The festival also livened by traditional music and dance performances of the participating countries, reforestation at Mampie Beach, gift exchange, and visit to Silk Village.

Collaborations of Indonesian traditional culture and International culture added colors and splendors in this annual event in Polewali Mandar. All elements of society showed enthusiasm by loud applauses and appreciation in each performance venue. Hopefully this event could be a good start and become an event that could be held continuously.


Written by : Ghina Aulia Megaputri
Edited and published by : Gayatri Larasati & Ghina Aulia Megaputri

Senin, 19 September 2016

Erau Adat Kutai and Folk Art Festival (EIFAF) 2016

Local cultural event of Erau Adat Kutai and Folk Art Festival (EIFAF) 2016 will be appointed as a form of preservation of heritage and of course as an event to introduce society and audience on the richness of the local cultural art. The local arts will be presented at four venues during the execution of Erau Festival which were in the stage at basketball court on the side of Mahakam, Erau Expo stage, parking lot of Aji Imbut Complex, and Pulau Kumala’s main plaza on the event of street performance. This year, Erau was livened by delegates from 9 participating countries which are members of CIOFF (International Council of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts). The 9 participating countries are United States of America (Idaho), Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Canada, Poland, Romania, Russia, and Taiwan. The local teams will perform alternately with the participating groups, and also several art groups from other cities of East Borneo. The participations of CIOFF member countries in Erau were an exchange and learning of the art of the art performances. This has the aim to introduce Tenggarong or Kukar, and also the culture of Kutai Kartanegara Ing Martadipura Sultanate to outside community.

            On the night before the opening ceremony, there was a welcoming dinner for the participants of EIFAF 2016. The welcoming dinner was held at the yard of Regent of Kutai Kartanegara attended by guests and opened by the Regent of Kutai Kartanegara, Rita Widya Sari, P.hD. The event was held to welcome the participants to the Erau Adat Kutai International Folk Art Festival (EIFAF) 2016 and to establish a relationship to present the role of culture in peace and friendship between nations, also cultural exchange, and social interactions.


The opening of Erau started with traditional ceremony called “Mendirikan Ayu”. “Mendirikan Ayu” is a symbolization of efforts to find or establish safety and peace. In the procession of “Mendirikan Ayu”, the Sultan wore traditional clothes and sat on the throne. 

            On Sunday, 21st of August 2016, there was a ceremonial opening of Erau Adat Kutai International Folk Art Festival (EIFAF) at Rondong Demang Tenggarong stadion. The event was opened by Art Director of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Endang Caturwati, S.St, MS. and also attended by the Ambassador of Seychelles for ASEAN, Nico Barito, President of CIOFF Indonesia, Said Rachmat, Network Director of Kota Pusaka Indonesia, the Governor of East Borneo, Awang Faroek Ishak together with Coordination of Leaders of East Borneo Provinces, Regent of Kutai Kartanegara, Rita Widyasari together with the Sultanate of Kutai Kartanegara, Ing Martadipura, all Kings and Sultans of Indonesia, Regents of East Borneo, Government of Sleman, Bantul, Gunung Kidul, Bandung district, public figures and officials, and members of CIOFF (International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts).

Before starting the ceremonies, the guest and officials did a Tepong Tawar tradition by the Sultanate of Kutai Kartanegara. On this event,the participants did a parade.  The opening of EIFAF 2016 was symbolized by lighting up 7 brongs (Big torches). One of the activities in EIFAF was Street Performance. The activity was held in Pulau Kumala, Tenggarong. The delegates from all countries had to do a performance. The performances managed to hypnotize the tourists of Pulau Kumala. After the performance, the delegates greeted the locals in Pulau Kumala.

            Besides Street Performance, the participants visited Kedaton Kutai Kartanegara on Tuesday, 23rd of August 2016. The arrival of the participants was greeted by Aji Pangeran Ario Adjuar Poegar in front of Kedaton Kutai Kartanegara. The participants were presented with a sacred Kedaton Kutai Kartanegara dance, Topeng Kemindu. The Sultan of Kutai Kartanegara stated in his speech his hopes for the participants to be able to enjoy the activities arranger in the festival. The activitiy was then followed by performances from the participating team in front of the Sultan and the Crown Prince, and also the officials from each country. The countries presented a performance at Kedaton Kutai Kartanegara were Lithuania, Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia, USA, Taiwan, Russia, Romania, and Ukraine.

            The following day, Wednesday, 24th of August 2016, the participants and thousands of locals socialized with official from Kutai Kartanegara in a banquet (Beseprah) held around Jembatan Besi until Gunung Pendidik. Beseprah was part of Erau Adat Kutai and International Folk Art Festival 2016.

            The participants of EIFAF 2016 were also invited to reduce the effect of global warming. Together with Department of Culture and Tourism of Kukar and Bankaltim, the participants attended Green Tenggarong event held at tourist attraction site, Waduk Panji Sukarame, on Thursday, 25th of August which was also part of Erau Adat Kutai and International Folk Art Festival (EIFAF) 2016. The activity of the event was planting of several fruit tree typical to Kutai.

            After EIFAF 2016 held for a week long, the Regent of Kutai Kartanegara, Rita Widyasari, P.hD officially closed the event. The peak of the event was the “Mengulur Naga” procession. The procession itself was held in the yard of Kedaton of the Sultanate of Ing Martadipura. A replica of a dragon will cruise down the Mahakam river and end up in Kutai Lama, Anggana. After that, another procession called “Belimbur” was done in the purpose of sanctification from bad influence, add spirits in developing the region, so that the environments are free from bad influence. All delegates and guests attended the closing ceremony of Erau Adat Kutai and International Folk Arts Festival.

Written by : Alvita Rassya
Edited and published by : Gayatri Larasati & Ghina Aulia Megaputri

Minggu, 18 September 2016

Surabaya Cross Culture International Folk and Art Festival 2016

 Surabaya as the Capital City of East Java, known as the City of Heroes, and the second largest city in Indonesia. The total population of the city is more than 2.9 million and have diverse cultures. With the culture diversity character of the city, the Government and the Department of Culture and Tourism of Surabaya held a cultural exchange festival called Surabaya Cross Culture since 11 years ago. Before, groups participated in the festival were only the sister countries of Surabaya. In 2016, the Government of Surabaya organized a slightly different event and changed the name of the festival into Surabaya Cross Culture International Folk and Art Festival 2016 (SSIFAF 2016).

This year was the first year of cooperations between the Government of Surabaya and CIOFF Indonesia in support of the management of Surabaya Cross Culture International Folk and Art Festival 2016. (SCCIFAF 2016). The aim of the festival was to promote Indonesia espescially East Java Province and Surabaya, and also to promote “Visit Surabaya 2016”. The particiapants of the festival this year were International Groups from CIOFF Indonesia, Surabaya’s Sister Cities like Wuxi, Guangzhou, and Xiamen (China) and a group from Seoul, South Korea. Besides that, the festival also attended by participants from Sleman, Balikpapan, North Borneo, and Surabaya’s local group.

CIOFF Indonesia sent three of its members, Ghina Aulia Megaputri, Chika Nur Rachma K. Wasitova, and Rosmala Sari Dewi as executor and help during the festival. CIOFF Indonesia, lead by Said Rachmat invited several international delegates to participate in the festival. The groups are American Footworks Folk Dance Ensemble (IDAHO USA), Ansamblul Folkloric Studentesc “Martisorul” (ROMANIA), Polonia Ensemble (POLAND), Leigarid Folklore Society Group (ESTONIA), and Yang Ju Byul San Dae & Kin Hei Kyung Dance (SOUTH KOREA).

Surabaya Cross Culture International Folk and Art Festival (SCCIFAF) 2016 held at 14-16th of August 2016. The delegates participated in activities that surely caught Surabayans eyes. On the first day, all international delegates followed a parade and had the chance to ride a decorated Becak as a traditional transportation of Indonesia. Opened by Mrs. Risma, the Mayor of Surabaya, the parade started from Taman Bungkul, to Darmo street, Urip Sumoharjo street and Jalan Panglima Sudirman street, and ended in the Town Hall of Surabaya. After the parade, the delegates also got the chance to perform on a Street Performance activity at Tugu Bambu. The event then continued to a Press Conference of Surabaya Cross Culture International Folk and Art Festival (SCCIFAF) 2016 at town hall, and also followed by lunch. Mrs. Risma as the Mayor of Surabaya hosted the lunch and presented the delegates with various traditional cuisines, so that the delegates had the chance to taste Indonesian food.

    Performance stages in SCCIFAF 2016 were divided in several venues such as, Taman Jayengrono, Taman Bungkul, Tunjungan Plaza Mall, Royal Plaza Mall, and Ciputra Mall, and Gwalk. Besides that, the delegates also did an opening performance at Town Hall, and closing ceremony at Cultural Hall Building. Apart from traditional dance and music, the delegates also had the chance to present about the philosophy and descriptions of their culture at a workshop in Surabaya Museum Gallery. The students around the city of Surabaya also got the chance to learn the dance moves of the participants’ countries.

Besides introducing their culture, the international delegates also had the opportunity to get to know the face of Surabaya. They did a tour to Sungai Kalimas and cruising down with a boat, and did some souvenir shopping at Mirota, participated in “Malam Tirakatan” by visiting Plampitan Village, Maspati Village, Peneleh Village, and Ketandan Village. Surabaya is also known as the city of 1000 museums, so the delegates also visited Health Museum (Museum Kesehatan), Museum of Bank of Indonesia (Museum Bank Indonesia), and Monument of Heroes (Tugu Pahlawan).

Surabaya Cross Culture International Folk and Art Festival (SCCIFAF) 2016 captured the local and international media’s attention where the event was stated to be a successful event for cultural exchange. Happiness, pride, and friendships were established between Indonesia and participating delegates. The presence of SCCIFAF in years to come will surely be an event to be awaited by the locals.

Written by : Ghina Aulia Megaputri
Edited and published by : Gayatri Larasati & Ghina Aulia Megaputri