Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2018

Share Culture Festival at Grand Galaxy Park Mall Bekasi in Celebration of Red and White Spirit of Indonesian Independence

CIOFF Indonesia together with Grand Galaxy Park Mall Bekasi held an event called Share Culture Festival in collaboration with Embassy of Poland. The Share Culture Festival theme was brought with lists of activities that includes traditional dance workshops and gamelan showcase, besides that, there were some folk dance performances as well.

The event was in collaboration with Embassy of Poland represented by Jawor Folk Group directly from Poland which previously participated in several folk festivals in Tenggarong and Polewali Mandar. In line with the theme of Share Culture, Jawor performed several Polish folk dance which provide rare and unique opportunity for Grand Galaxy Park Mall visitors.

Listed below some media coverage about our #SelebrasiMerahPutih event

Red and White Celebration, List of Activities by GGP Road to the Anniversary of Republic of Indonesia 2018

By Al Mujamil,, 10 August 2018, BEKASI – Menyambut HUT Republik Indonesia ke-73, Grand Galaxy Park menghadirkan beragam rangkaian acara seru dan menarik bagi para pengunjung. Kali ini lewat Selebrasi Merah Putih, yang digelar pada tanggal 8-26 Agustus 2018 bertempat di Main Atrium utama Grand Galaxy Park merupakan hasil kerjasama Grand Galaxy Park dengan CIOFF Indonesia dan Kedutaan Republik Polandia.

Momentum peringatan hari kemerdekaan Indonesia ke-73 ini sengaja dipilih untuk mengenal kebudayaan baik dalam maupun luar negeri dengan menggelar acara Share Culture Festival dari dua kebudayaan negara yakni Indonesia dan Polandia, yang menampilkan tarian budaya dari masing-masing kedua negara.

CIOFF Indonesia merupakan organisasi non-profesi dan organisasi budaya internasional, sesuai pengertian yang ditentukan oleh UNESCO. Saat ini CIOFF sudah menjadi associate partner resmi UNESCO.

CIOFF Indonesia memiliki tujuan utama diantaranya mempromosikan warisan nenek moyang asli Indonenesia melalui bentuk ekspresi tari, musik, upacara, adat istiadat , mendukung program-program UNESCO untuk perdamaian dunia dan membantu pemerintah Indonesia dalam mempromosikan kesenian Indonesia ke manca negara dalam pelaksanaan festival Internasional.

Manager Marcomm Grand Galaxy Park, Wahyu Setiadi Nugroho mengatakan, dalam rangka peringatan HUT RI Ke-73, Grand Galaxy Park menghadirkan berbagai program dan aktivitas seru yang  melibatkan para pengunjung. Rangkaian acara yang dihadirkan seperti  Share Culture Festival Indonesia – Polandia, Gamelan Showcase, Talkshow, Workshop, Gamelan showcase, makep up demo, hingga cooking competition.

“Tidak hanya itu, kami juga bekerjasama dengan CIOFF Indonesia dan kedutaan besar Polandia di Indonesia untuk mendukung jalinan persahabatan antar negara dan mempromosikan kebudayaan-kebudayaan milik Indonesia. Ada yang unik disini yaitu pameran alat musik asli dari beberapa daerah di Indonesia bahkan ada yang umurnya sudah ratusan tahun yang akan di pajang di Main Atrium Grand Galaxy Park,” kata Wahyu kepada Metro Bekasi. (hen)

Source link :


This is the Guest Star of Red and White Celebration at Grand Galaxy Park

By Fauzi,, 8 August 2018

BEKASI – Memeriahkan HUT Kemerdekaan RI, Grand Galaxy Park menggelar event Selebrasi Merah Putih. Digelar selama 19 hari, gelaran ini diramaikan dengan sejumlah acara spektakuler, di antaranya Share Culture Festival, #GamelanforMillenials Class & Workshop, festival makanan Pasar Rasa 2018, Festival Durian Galaxy, The Art of Polish Poster dan masih banyak aktivitas lainnya.

Tak hanya itu, penampilan dari Jawor Folk Group, yaitu kolaborasi Kedutaan Republik Polandia dengan CIOFF Indonesia dalam Share Culture Festival pada Rabu, (8/8). Bahkan, ada pula penampilan spesial dari Papua Voice, Nikki Frazeta dan Vimast akan semakin menyemarakkan event selebrasi merah putih.

Citra Natasya selaku head of youth section CIOFF Indonesia mengatakan, Selebrasi Merah Putih merupakan inisiatif bersama antara Grand Galaxy Park, CIOFF Indonesia dan Kedutaan Besar Polandia di Indonesia, serta banyak pihak terkait lainnya.  "Saya berharap, ini bisa menjadi penguat persahabatan antar negara. Sekaligus menjadi rangkaian selebrasi HUT  kemerdekaan Indonesia di Tahun 2018 ini, menarik untuk anak muda dan juga masyarakat pada umumnya,” singkatnya.

Source link:


Grand Galaxy Park Collaborating Indonesian and Polish Culture

By, 9 August 2018

JAKARTA ( – dalam rangka menyambut peringatan 73 tahun proklamasi Republik Indonesia, kelompok nyanyi dan tari rakyat dari Jawor, Polandia, tampil di Grand Galaxy Park (GGP), Bekasi. Mereka membawakan sejumlah lagu rakyat dan tarian yang dinamis.

Penampilan mereka mendapatkan sambutan meriah dari pengunjung. sebelumnya, kelompok yang terdiri atas sekitar 20 orang ini sudah tampil di beberapa daerah di Indonesia.

Utusan Kedutaan Besar Polandia, Igor Kaczmarczyk, gembira bisa memperlihatkan seni dan budaya negaranya.

“Indonesia dan Polandia punya hubungan yang baik. Kebetulan, kedua negara punya warna bendera yang sama yaitu merah dan putih meski urutannya terbalik,” kata Kaczmarczyk dalam sambutannya pada pembukaan Selebrasi Merah Putih di GGP, Rabu (8/8/2018).

Jarak dua negara yang lebih dari 10.000 kilometer tidak menjadi penghalang hubungan erat Indonesia dan Polandia. Kedekatan itu terlihat melalui seringnya pertukaran misi seni dan budaya antara Indonesia dan Polandia.

Seniman Indonesia sering mengadakan pertunjukan di Polandia, dan sebaliknya seniman Polandia beberapa kali mengunjungi Nusantara.

Pertukaran budaya Indonesia dan Polandia terwujud berkat kerja sama GGP dan CIOFF (International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts).

“Selebrasi Merah Putih merupakan inisiatif bersama GGP, CIOFF Indonesia, dan Kedutaan Besar Polandia di Indonesia, serta banyak pihak terkait lain. Ajagn ini diharapkan bisa lebih mempererat hubungan kedua negara,” kata kepala seksi pemuda CIOFF Indonesia, Citra Natasya.

Selebrasi Merah Putih akan berlangsung hingga akhir Agustus. Beberapa acara akan digelar antara lain pameran poster seni Polandia, festival makanan Pasar Rasa 2018, serta pertunjukan Nikki Frazetta dan V1MAST.

“Selain acara tersebut, kami juga menggelar pameran alat musik asli dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Beberapa alat musik ada yang usianya sudah ratusan tahun. Pameran digelar di Main Atrium Grand Galaxy Park,” kata manajer marcomm pusat belanja itu, Wahyu Setiadi Nugroho.

Untuk meramaikan peringatan hari kemerdekaan, GGP mengadakan beberapa program belanja antara lain Independence Day Giveaway, Flix Movie Deals, dan Summer Sweetness. Khusus pada 17 Agustus 2018, pengunjung yang mengenakan pakaian merah putih akan menerima hadiah di booth SedayuOne tanpa harus membeli apa pun.

Source link:


Indonesia-Poland Collaboration Celebrating Indonesian Independence at Grand Galaxy Park

By, 9 August 2018

Bekasi, perayaan kemerdekaan Indonesia di Grand Galaxy Park mall Bekasi  yang akan mulai digelar pada tanggal 8-26 Agustus 2018 bakal menghadirkan tema Selebrasi Merah Putih.

Dalam acara tersebut Grand Galaxy Park bekerjasama dengan CIOFF Indonesia dan Kedutaan Republik Polandia menyediakan beragam hiburan dan acara menarik salah satunya adalah menggelar acara Share Culture Festival dari dua kebudayaan negara yakni Indonesia dan Polandia, yang menampilkan tarian budaya dari masing-masing kedua negara tersebut.

CIOFF Indonesia sendiri merupakan organisasi non-profesi dan organisasi budaya internasional, sesuai pengertian yang ditentukan oleh UNESCO.

Saat ini CIOFF sudah menjadi associate partner resmi UNESCO. CIOFF Indonesia memiliki tujuan utama diantaranya mempromosikan warisan nenek moyang asli Indonenesia melalui bentuk ekspresi tari, musik, upacara, adat istiadat , mendukung program-program UNESCO untuk perdamaian dunia dan membantu pemerintah Indonesia dalam mempromosikan kesenian Indonesia ke manca negara dalam pelaksanaan festival Internasional.

Wahyu Setiadi Nugroho selaku Manager Marcomm Grand Galaxy Park dalam rilis yang diterima redaksi mengatakan bahwa Grand Galaxy Park menghadirkan berbagai program dan aktivitas seru yang  melibatkan para pengunjung.

Rangkaian acara yang dihadirkan seperti  Share Culture Festival Indonesia - Polandia, Gamelan Showcase, Talkshow, Workshop, Gamelan showcase,makep up demo, hingga cooking competition.

“Tidak hanya itu kami juga bekerjasama dengan CIOFF Indonesia dan kedutaan besar Polandia di Indonesia untuk mendukung jalinan persahabatan antar negara dan mempromosikan kebudayaan-kebudayaan milik Indonesia. Ada yang unik disini yaitu pameran alat musik asli dari beberapa daerah di Indonesia bahkan ada yang umurnya sudah ratusan tahun yang akan di pajang di Main Atrium Grand Galaxy Park.” Lengkapnya.

Banyak even Selebrasi Merah Putih yang digelar selama 19 hari ini akan diramaikan dengan sejumlah acara spektakuler diantaranya adalah Share Culture Festival , #GamelanforMillennials Class & Workshop , Festival makananan Pasar Rasa 2018, Festival Durian Galaxy, The Art of Polish Posterdan masih banyak aktifitas lainnya.

Apresiasi juga diberikan Citra Natasya, Head of Youth Section CIOFF Indonesia yang menyebutkan acara Selebrasi Merah Putih merupakan inisiatif bersama antara Grand Galaxy Park, CIOFF Indonesia, dan Kedutaan Besar Polandia di Indonesia, serta banyak pihak terkait lainnya.

“Harapannya tentu ini bisa menjadi penguat persahabatan antarnegara, dan juga menjadi rangkaian selebrasi kemerdekaan Indonesia ke-73 di tahun 2018 ini yang menarik untuk anak muda dan juga masyarakat pada umumnya,” imbuh Citra.

Banyak Promo

Sebagai salah satu mall unggulan dari pengembang Agung Sedayu, Grand Galaxy Park juga menyediakan fasilitas dan aneka promo bagi pemegang SedayuOne membership, selama bulan Agustus Grand Galaxy Park dengan menghadirkan program belanja diantaranya Independence Day Giveawaydengan berbelanja di all tenant Grand Galaxy Park minimal Rp 500.000,- (weekdays) dan Rp 800.000,- (Weekend).

Para pengunjung berhak mendapatkan kesempatan mengambil undian dalam bentuk lucky dip. Hadir juga program Flix Movie Deals berhadiah gratis popcorn dan minuman setiap pembelian tiga buah tiket nonton Flix Studio danSummer Sweetness yang memberikan gratis minuman Origins setiap pembelanjaan Rp.100.000 di  tenant F&B serta FoodPark setiap hari senin-kamis selama periode Selebrasi Merah Putih berlangsung.

Tidak hanya itu saja, bagi yang ingin mendapatkan hadiah langsung di tanggal 17 Agustus 2018 nanti langsung tunjukan Merah Putih Outfit kami di Booth SedayuOne yang hadir di Grand Galaxy Park Mall.

Wahyu menambahkan, “Seluruh program, aktivitas, hingga belanja berhadiah selama Agustus ini dihadirkan sebagai bentuk semangat keberagaman dalam persatuan saat merayakan HUT Kemerdekaan RI ke- 73”.

Source link:

Rabu, 22 Agustus 2018

Blessing #EidAlAdha

CIOFF® Indonesia wish you a happy Eid Al-Adha for those who celebrates! May the great works of Allah prosper your handsπŸ™πŸΌ✨

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2018

Al Azhar Kelapa Gading Senior High School Participated on Folklore Competition in Zywiec, Poland

A few months back, Al Azhar Kelapa Gading High School participated to The 55th Beskidy Highlander’s Week of Culture in Zywiec, Poland. They are not only participated in the festival, but also take part to compete with 13 other groups from different countries in traditional dance competition. The festival held from July 27th to August 5th 2018. This group has 13 dancers, 9 musicians, 2 teachers, along with CIOFF Indonesia’s President himself, Mr. Said Rachmat and Ms. Yunita Hardiyanti.

During the festival, they bring 5 dances; Greget Jawara Dance, Genggong Dance, Enggang Balian Dance, Yapong Dance, and Tokecang Dance. Actually, they had prepare 7 dances, but because the time limit and the material did not totally done, they did not performed Kareppa Dance and Nandak Ganjen Dance. During the festival, the groups stayed in Debowiec Hotel, in Bielsko Biola. 
This festival mostly consist with 45 performance for each group and in 6 different cities. On the first day, they had a street parade and after that a 45 minutes street performance. For the next few days, they also performed a 45 minutes performance but in several different cities, such as Szczyrk, Zywiec, Oswiecim.

 Beside all the 45 minutes performance in the city, they had a countries night for all the delegates. But each group only had a 30 minutes performance to show their dances and music. They had a chance to met and gift exchange with the mayor. They also met the director of the festival.  between their busy day with all the performance, to refreshing they went on tour to see the city of Krakow. 


Not to forget about the competition, the concept they used for the competition was a medley dance. First, they used a storyline from a Bali dance, called Kecak Dance, which tell a story of a girl named Sinta is gone missing. Then, they also used Saman Dance from Aceh. So it was a medley of Bali and Saman dance. But unfortunately, they did not win.



The audience during all the festival constantly had a long applause for the Indonesia group. Once, on their last performance in Szczyrk, the audience seemed to like Saman Dance, because they requested the group to perform Saman Dance again. 

After almost 2 weeks in the festival, the group finally had to leave the festival. But before went back to Indonesia, they had a tour from 6th - 12th August. They went to Prague, Salzburg, Venice, Milan, Mount Titlis, and Lucern. On 12th August they went back to Indonesia from Zurich Airport, and on 13th August they arrived in Jakarta, met their family and friends again.
Written by : Ayasha Salmadhia
Editted & Published  by : Ghina Aulia Megaputri

Jumat, 17 Agustus 2018

Happy #IndonesiaIndependenceDay!

"Build the world where its nation live in peace and companionship"
-Ir. Soekarno (Indonesian first president)
It's independence day in Indonesia!🎊 IHopefully this year Indonesia will continue to be an amazing country πŸ™πŸΌ✨
Happy Independence Day, Indonesia!! πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡²πŸ‡¨
#CIOFF #CIOFF_Indonesia#IndonesianIndependenceDay#SHARECULTURE

Jumat, 10 Agustus 2018

Labschool Kebayoran SHS Become The Spotlight on XXII Edition of International Folk Day Warmia Festival

Labschool Kebayoran Senior High School was successfully amaze the audiences of The XXII Edition of International Folk Day Warmia Festival in Olsztyn, Poland. It was the 22 times the festival held and Labschool Kebayoran Senior High School has attended the festival for 14 times. Previously, they already attending festivals in Greece, Turkey, France, Germany, Italy, etc.

The festival held from July 17th until July 22nd 2018. The group it self has 12 dancers and 10 musicians with Mrs. Ayu Wiranti as group Director and Miss Ravanya Parawansa as group choreographer. Macedonia, Benin, Mexico, Hungary, Ireland, Canada, Serbia, Peru, Cyprus, and 7 Poland groups were the participants of the festival. Indonesia perfoming 7 dances such as Tokecang Dance, Yapong Dance, Enggang Balian Dance, Genggong Dance, Greget Jawara Dance, Kareppa Dance, and Saman Dance.

Indonesia was the most remembered group by the audience and other groups because Indonesia has the most pretty costume and makeup. The costume are different for each dances and very colorfull. There are many kind of atribute to wear such as belt, headpiece, fan, etc. 

The festival started as the delegates do the parade. They sang their countries song while walking around the city. Indonesian group sang their song loudly and cheerfully to attract the audience.

Not only performing dances, there were several activities they had to attend. A boat competition was held in the middle of the festival. Each group tried to do their best to win the competition. Eventhough Indonesia didn’t won the competition, they had so much fun and do the competition sportively.

They also attend the countries night where they had to share Indonesian culture to the other groups. But, it was an unique countries night. The countries night wasn’t held on a room or  hall but on the barn. Thank you Labschool Kebayoran SHS to introduce our culture to the world!

Written by : Dinda Dyandri
Editted & Published by : Ghina Aulia Megaputri

Rabu, 08 Agustus 2018

Polewali International Folk and Arts Festival (PIFAF) 2018 Gets High Enthusiasm From The Participants & Society


This year, Polewali Mandar International Folk and Arts Festival was back again for the third time from 1st to 6th of August 2018. There were six participating countries include Mexico, Poland, Thailand, Chinese Taipei, Croatia, and Latvia. Just like last year, the Opening Ceremony was held at H.S. Mengga Stadium Sport Center with parade by the participating countries, and also local groups that were also taking part in the festival. The festival was attended by lines of VIPs, include, the Governor of West Sulawesi, Ali Baal Masdar, Police Chief of West Sulawesi, Brigadier General Baharudin Djafar, Representative of Tourism Office, Aprida Pelitasari, Regent of Polewali Mandar, H. Andi Ibrahim Masdar, and more.

All delegates was Traditional Sulawesi food was served during the welcoming dinner, which the delegates commented on positively. One of the participant from Mexico said that he really liked the food because it was very flavourful and spicy, just like Mexican food. During the dinner, the Regent also sang several songs, and for the surprise, the Croatian delegates sang Lita’ Pembolongan song from Mandar. The dinner was ended with poco-poco dance together with the participants.

For the daily program, the first three days always started with workshops at schools and universities. There were two venues of workshop each day, so the participating countries were divided into groups of three for each school. All of the students participating in the workshop were enthusiastic and very happy to learn about new culture and tradition. The highlight of each workshop was when the students got the chance to try dancing together with the delegates. Learning and interacting with the delegates was a rare chance for the students, and they made sure to make the most of the opportunity.

Performances were done everyday at the main stage, and also in some regions for street performances. This time, the street performances were held in three districts which were Campalagian, Binuang, and Majene, and also at the main square of Polewali Mandar. Each of the performances always received positive attention from the audience, and the people were very appreciative.

For recreational time, the participants got the opportunity to visit Palippis beach. They were introduced with traditional games and had a little competition between participating countries to won a prize. Apart from traditional games, they also enjoyed the beach, taking photos, sunbathing, and also swimming. To give the participants the feel of Polewali Mandar tradition and custom, the committee gave sarong to the female delegates to cover up their swimming suit.

On the last day, the delegates went to Lapeo beach for the releasing of baby turtles and planting mangrove trees. The unique activity left a great impression from the delegates, some of them mentioned that releasing the baby turtles was their favorite part of the program. The closing ceremony was first started with performances by all of the participating countries and some local groups. By the end of the event, the Regent of Polewali Mandar gave a speech recapping the moments during the event, appreciation towards the participating countries, and hoped that the delegates would come back someday in the future to visit Polewali Mandar.

Written by : Gayatri Larasati
Editted & Published by : Ghina Aulia Megaputri