SMA Negeri 68
SMA 68 Jakarta Goes to Danetzare International Folklore Festival - Erfurt, German 2015
14.08CIOFF INDONESIAOn the Opening Ceremony, there was a parade to Petersberg. After the parade, every country that has participated in the festival performed for 7 minutes. Indonesian Embassys representative from Berlin came to meet and greet the students of SMA 68 Jakarta and watched their performance in the opening ceremony.
On the second day, they performed for 50 minutes in Anger Stage that's outdoors in the center of the city. "Folklore Gala" Theater is a theater where the stage is an indoor venue and the audiance have to buy tickets to see the performance form all the countries.
11th July 2015, all the countries had a photo session in Petersberg. After the group photo, all the countries of the festival held an outstanding falshmob performance with the locals in Erfurt.
Closing ceremony, All the group leaders went to town hall to meet the Lord Mayor and gave presents and also took pictures with 2 representatives of each group. Devin Adinata and Salsabila Afifa with Ms. Widiartinny, Ms. Nurul Husnah and Ms. Yunita Hardiyanti as representatives from Indonesia. At night a closing ceremony was held called Danetzare says goodbye with all the delegates perform for 7 minutes. Indonesia closed the ceremonny with a fenomenal performance of Saman dance that has been long awaited by the festival committees and the local audience. 2 representatives, Samuel Aldaka and Edianti Ratningpoeti held the Indonesian flag with Ms. Widiartinny got up on stage to receive sertificats from the festival committees and danced the flashmob to close the festival.
“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. Aristotle Be proud and #SAVEOURCULTURE
(Puti Anindya)