Minggu, 17 Desember 2017

Betawi Dance Workshop : Greget Jawara Dance at Galeri Indonesia Kaya

On the last month of the year, CIOFF Indonesia was back in collaboration with Galeri Indonesia Kaya. In closing the wonderful year, the last dance workshop was Greget Jawara Dance. The workshop was done on the 2nd week of the month, from 13 - 16 December 2017, and the performance was held on Sunday, 17 December 2017.

Greget Jawara Dance is a Betawi traditional dance by F. The movements were inspired from graceness and toughness of West Javanese women. Greget Jawara dance usually danced by young girls on their way to maturity. The name of the dance consisted of two words, Gregetan which means deep desire in a woman, and Jawara which means a Champion or a Warrior.

There were up to 21 people attended the workshop, but at the end, only 16 participants managed to perform on the last day. Just like the previous workshops, the training days are divided into two sessions every day, the first session on 4:00 - 6:00 PM, and the second session on 7:00 - 9:00 PM.

The training days for the workshop only lasted 4 days, unlike other workshop that usually consisted of 5 training days. Short learning time didn’t make the participants felt insecure, it encourages them to be a fast-learner and they seemed to enjoy the sessions. The dance itself uses an instrument, which was a fan. The usage of instrument added a level of difficulties but fortunately, the participants were easy to work with and they were discipline during the training, which made it easier for the trainer from CIOFF Indonesia to taught them.

After 4 days of trainings, the participants performed on Sunday, 17 December 2017 for the opening of a fashion show event from a local designer. The participants danced beautifully and receiver great appreciation from the audience. The MC mentioned that the workshop participants had only 4 days to train for the performance and the audience were in awe.

Overall, the participants were very happy with the workshop and their performance. Some of them started from zero, and don’t have basic dancing skills, but they manage to pull off a great performance. Big applause for the participants!

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