Dance Workshop
CIOFF Indonesia Dance Workshop on Festival Seni Anak Manggarai 2018
06.20CIOFF Indonesia
It's time for another dance workshop! CIOFF Indonesia was giving traditional dance workshop from Sumatra region as a series of Festival Seni Anak Manggarai 2018. This event was held by Sahabat Anak Manggarai which a children protection foundation based on volunteerism that provides quality education and children’s rights advocacy in an effort to encourage and inspire Jakarta’s street children to escape urban poverty. For being a change maker, they want to show street children that they are valuable as God’s most noble creation and to involve as many people and groups as possible to care for the street children and be their friends who show love at all times.
So in 2018, they made #BebasBerkarya event which begin with a series of art workshops that will be filled by top resource persons in their respective fields, then #BebasBerkarya will end by a main event that will showcase the artworks and result of Sahabat Anak's children during the workshop. This event was open for public, not only for foster children of Sahabat Anak, as long as they are in the range of age requirements for the workshop participants.
CIOFF Indonesia and Suzan Natanael was participated in Workshop 5 that was held in Kolla Space - Co-Working, Sabang on Saturday, September 8 2018. CIOFF Indonesia for traditional dance and Suzan Natanael for modern hip-hopdance. From CIOFF Indonesia we have Raras, Ani, dan Cece to shared about Tor-Tor dance.
The event was going smoothly and all the participants was really enthusiast to learn about the dances in a fun way. See you in another dance workshop and don't forget to come and participate to the main event of Festival Seni Anak Manggarai 2018.
Written & Published by : Ghina Aulia Megaputri
Written & Published by : Ghina Aulia Megaputri